
BYD Posts New Monthly Sales Record

(BRK.A), (BRK.B)

BYD, the Chinese automobile manufacturer backed by Berkshire Hathaway, continues to shatter sales records with its remarkable performance in the market. The company achieved a significant milestone in May, surpassing its previous sales record of 235,197 units, which was accomplished in December 2022. The figures speak volumes about BYD’s unwavering success in the competitive automotive industry.

During the month of May alone, BYD sold an impressive total of 240,220 new energy vehicles (NEVs), exhibiting a remarkable growth rate of 108% compared to May 2022. This tremendous surge in sales reflects the increasing demand for BYD’s innovative and eco-friendly vehicles, which have captured the attention of consumers worldwide.

Furthermore, the year-to-date sales for BYD have reached an impressive figure of 507,314 units, marking a staggering 97% increase over the first five months of 2022. This remarkable growth signifies the company’s ability to consistently deliver high-quality vehicles that cater to the evolving needs and preferences of the modern consumer.

© 2023 David Mazor

Disclosure: David Mazor is a freelance writer focusing on Berkshire Hathaway. The author is long in Berkshire Hathaway and BYD, and this article is not a recommendation on whether to buy or sell a stock. The information contained in this article should not be construed as personalized or individualized investment advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.